How Do You Prepare for Asphalt Paving Sitework?

How Do You Prepare for Asphalt Paving Sitework?

Installing an asphalt pavement may look simple, but it actually requires a contractor to choreograph an intricate series of steps. The first steps take place long before the first load of asphalt arrives from the batch plant. Most of these preliminary steps fall under the heading of asphalt paving sitework.

What Is Asphalt Paving Sitework?

If you want to take the broadest definition, sitework is everything that asphalt paving companies do from the time their crews arrive. The exact steps depend on whether the paving contractor is handling an asphalt overlay, a new pavement, or a reconstruction.

What Constitutes Asphalt Paving Sitework for an Overlay?

An asphalt pavement overlay, which some contractors call asphalt resurfacing, is the installation of new asphalt over an existing pavement. Typical sitework for an asphalt overlay involves grinding away a predetermined depth of the existing pavement. Most jobs require the use of an asphalt milling machine to remove less than three inches of the pavement’s depth. The paving contractor then installs new asphalt paving to restore the pavement to its original depth.

What Is the Sitework for a New Asphalt Pavement?

If the contractor is paving Austin Texas undeveloped land, it may be necessary to construct an access road for the contractor’s heavy equipment. After that, typical sitework includes most or all of the following.

1. Clear the land of unwanted trees, underbrush, and other obstacles. Haul away the debris.
2. Grade the site and establish the slope.
3. Compact the soil thoroughly. If the contractor cannot achieve adequate compaction, it may be necessary to amend the soil.
4. Construct and compact the subbase. Typically, asphalt contractors in Austin construct an aggregate subbase.
5. Ensure the integrity of the subbase with a proof roll. Make any repairs necessary.
6. Install a binder layer on top of the subbase. This helps ensure proper bonding between the subbase and the asphalt paving.
7. Install and compact the asphalt courses to achieve the proper thickness.
8. Install the surface course. Depending on the project, your contractor may call this the driving course or finish course.
9. Ensure transitions between existing roadways, parking lots, or driveways are smooth.

What Sitework Does a Contractor Perform When Reconstructing an Asphalt Pavement?

A reconstruction requires all of the same steps as a new pavement, but an asphalt contractor must usually include a couple of additional steps.

1. Demolish the existing pavement, then haul away the debris. Since asphalt pavements are fully recyclable, the contractor usually sends the debris to an asphalt plant.
2. On some jobs, the contractor is responsible for temporarily relocating underground utility lines. Normally, the relocation does not interfere with the service.

RDC Paving is a fully licensed local paving company. We offer an extensive menu of paving services, including asphalt paving, asphalt overlays, asphalt repairs, parking lot striping, asphalt milling, sealcoating, and asphalt crack repairs. We also offer concrete services, including concrete repairs and the construction of concrete parking lots, sidewalks, ramps, curbs, and ADA-compliant features. We have a reputation for consistently delivering work of the highest quality and extraordinary customer service. We would be happy to provide you with a free job quote. You can submit your request online by completing our online form, or you can reach us by phone at 512-920-9155.

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