What Are the Keys to a Successful Sealcoating Job?

What Are the Keys to a Successful Sealcoating Job?

What Are the Keys to a Successful Sealcoating Job? Asphalt contractors can quickly construct a pavement that is aesthetically pleasing, economical, and long-lasting. However, without your help, your pavement can become unsightly and require frequent costly repairs. Ultimately, your pavement will become unusable, and this could happen less than halfway through its life expectancy. One of the best ways to help your asphalt pavement is to sealcoat it at regular intervals. However, you want to hire an experienced contractor to ensure that your sealcoating job will be performed correctly.

What Is Sealcoating?

Sealcoating is an important parking lot maintenance & repair procedure that provides both cosmetic and protective benefits. Paving maintenance companies apply a liquid sealant that bonds to the pavement to create a barrier against potentially harmful forces, including the sun and automotive fluids. Sealcoating also returns faded asphalt pavements to their original dark color.

How Often Is Austin Asphalt Sealcoating Required?

Most asphalt companies recommend sealcoating new pavements within one year of installation. However, they also advise that you must wait until the new asphalt has had time to cure sufficiently. Depending on various factors, you might not be able to sealcoat your pavement for the first time until it is at least three months old. If you are not sure whether your pavement is ready for sealcoating, ask your parking lot maintenance & repair contractor to check it for you. After the initial application, Austin sealcoating typically requires a fresh application every two or three years.

What Are the Main Phases of a Sealcoating Job?

Austin asphalt sealcoating contractors often divide tasks into three broad categories, which are assess, prepare, and apply.

1. During the assessment phase, sealcoating contractors evaluate the pavement and the area surrounding it. They look for damages that will require repairs prior to sealcoating, tight spaces or other problem areas, and signs of pavement distress. They evaluate what will be involved in getting the pavement clean enough to sealcoat.
2. During the preparation phase, the contractor devises a plan for the job. They decide whether it will be necessary to spread the work over multiple days, and they calculate the costs of doing this. They calculate the amount of sealcoating that the job will require, determine the appropriate staffing, and evaluate whether the parking lot repair should be performed before the application is scheduled. On the morning of the job, they erect traffic control measures, clean the pavement, and make any necessary repairs. If needed, they prime oil stains or other troublesome areas.
3. During the application phase, the paving maintenance contractor’s employees will typically apply two thin coats of sealant, allowing each to dry before continuing their work. After the final coat dries, they can apply any pavement markings or lines if the customer has requested the service.

What Qualities Should a Contractor Possess for a Sealcoating Job?

As you can see from the previous section, Austin asphalt sealcoating contractors need a thorough understanding of everything involved in the process. However, there are a few qualities that you want to make sure your contractor possesses.

1. Communication skills are essential. Contractors should be able and willing to communicate with customers without being overly technical or condescending.
2. You want a contractor with experience sealcoating pavements similar to your own. Sealcoating a parking lot is more involved than sealcoating a residential driveway, for example.
3. Look for a contractor who will work with you to find the right solutions to your specific issues. For example, if you are sealcoating a parking lot in an apartment complex, your tenants will need to know the schedule as well as alternative places to park.
4. If you are uncertain about anything, your Austin sealcoating contractor should be able to address your concerns. For example, you might be unsure of what to do about your automatic sprinkler system, or you may need to ask how your contractor will access areas that lie behind locked gates.

If you need great parking lot maintenance & repair in the Austin metropolitan area, contact RDC Paving. We are a well-respected company offering Austin asphalt sealcoating, parking lot repair, asphalt crack repair, asphalt paving, parking lot striping, asphalt milling, concrete and asphalt repairs, concrete and asphalt driveway construction, and the construction of concrete curbs, ramps, parking lots, ADA features, and sidewalks. For a free quote, use the online form to submit your request. If you prefer, you can call 512-920-9155, or you can email Ryan@RDCPaving.com.

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