Concrete Paving in Austin – The Cost & Environmental Aspect

Concrete Paving in Austin - The Cost & Environmental Aspect

Concrete Paving in Austin - The Cost & Environmental Aspect Concrete paving in Austin can elevate properties of all sizes and types. As a whole, concrete has revolutionized modern construction and become a symbol of durability and strength. With proper installation from a concrete pavement contractor, the material can last several decades.

While not the only choice available, concrete is a fantastic choice for paving projects. But what are the environmental and economic impacts of Austin concrete paving? Here’s what you need to know.

Is Concrete Paving in Austin an Eco-Friendly Choice?

Overall, concrete pavement is an eco-friendly choice. It’s a cement-based material containing aggregates and water. Concrete paving contractors can use a variety of mixes with different ratios of ingredients and formulations. But the core ingredients are green. They’re derived from rock and raw material.

When installed by a seasoned concrete paving company, concrete roads, sidewalks and parking lots typically contribute to a smaller carbon footprint than the alternatives. Furthermore, the material is recyclable. Old concrete roads and unused pavement can be crushed and turned into recyclable aggregates for other projects, making it a far more Earth-friendly choice than some alternative paving materials.

Are There Any Environmental Downsides to Concrete Paving?

While creating new surfaces with a concrete paving contractor is a more eco-friendly choice, it’s not without its potential drawbacks. No material is perfect, and some argue that concrete has an environmental impact despite its green materials. Namely, cement production can release carbon dioxide early in the production process.

There are efforts to reduce those emissions and make concrete more sustainable. It’s also worth noting that concrete is still far more sustainable than the alternatives. Not only is it recyclable and frequently reused, but it also offers the benefit of longevity.

With great installation and maintenance from a concrete paving company, concrete surfaces can last 50 years or more! That’s longer than other paving material options, helping you avoid reconstruction projects that may increase your carbon footprint.

Are There Any Types of Concrete Paving in Austin That Offer More Sustainability?

The beauty of concrete paving in Austin is that it’s versatile. Your concrete paving contractor can install the material in many ways. Furthermore, they can use several different types of concrete to make your project even more sustainable!

In addition to recycled concrete, more and more property owners are opting for permeable concrete paving. This type of paving contains recycled materials and allows rainwater to permeate through the surface. In doing so, concrete roads, driveways, parking lots and more can have a significantly lower environmental impact.

The porous nature of the pavement recharges groundwater, reduces runoff to prevent flooding, filters pollutants and more.

What are the Costs Involved?

New Austin concrete paving is a sizeable investment. Compared to the alternatives, getting fresh concrete pavement can be more expensive. However, those added costs come with more benefits.

In addition to being a far more environmentally friendly choice, you get more longevity. While upfront costs can be higher, you pay less in the future for repairs and reconstruction. Lower-quality materials may deteriorate several decades before concrete pavement starts to show its age.

RDC Paving is a concrete paving company with a decade of experience serving clients like you. We work with concrete to create reliable, long-lasting and sustainable surfaces of all shapes and sizes. When you turn to RDC Paving, you can expect high-quality results, impeccable attention to detail and service you can trust.

In addition to concrete paving in Austin, we do concrete repairs, ramps, curbs, ADA-compliant features and more.

Reach out today to get a free quote. You can contact the RDC Paving team through our online contact form, via email at or by phone at (512)920-9155.

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